
How To Install Composer In Termux Without Error

Install Composer In Termux
How To Install Composer In Termux Without Error 2

How to install composer in termux


Termux is a powerful terminal emulator and Linux environment app for Android devices, allowing users to access a wide range of command-line tools and utilities. If you’re a PHP developer looking to harness the capabilities of Termux for your Android device, installing Composer is essential. In this blog post, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing Composer in Termux, enabling seamless PHP package management and development on your Android device.  

1. Install Termux : 

You can install termux from official website  f-droid

Don’t use playstore 

Your first command should be 

apt update && apt upgrade -y

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2. Setting Up a PHP Environment: 

Open Termux and update the package repositories by running the command: `pkg update`. – Install PHP and necessary dependencies by executing: `pkg install php`. 

Verify the PHP installation by running: `php -v`. 

3. Installing Composer: 

pkg install php curl openssl php php-apache php-sodium -y

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php — –install-dir=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin –filename=composer

4. Some Fixes :

Copy paste all the commands one by one

php -i | grep sodium

composer require lcobucci/jwt

composer require kreait/firebase-php:*

5. Confirm the installation by running :

composer –version 

6. Configuring Composer : 

Create a directory for Composer’s global packages: `mkdir ~/.composer`. – 

Modify the global configuration file: `nano ~/.composer/composer.json`. – 

Add the following JSON content to the file: 


Replace `YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN` with your GitHub Personal Access Token. – Save and exit the file by pressing `Ctrl + X`, then `Y`, and finally `Enter`. 

Conclusion : 

With Composer successfully installed in Termux, you now have a powerful PHP package manager at your disposal on your Android device. This opens up a world of possibilities for PHP developers, allowing them to conveniently manage dependencies and streamline their PHP development workflows. Whether you’re working on personal projects or collaborating with others, Composer in Termux empowers you to create, manage, and enhance PHP applications right from your Android device. Create a forum for another fixes Here

install composer in termux

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