Termux Command Line Pdf download | By H4Ck3R


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Termux Command Line Pdf

Termux is a terminal emulator for Android that allows users to access and run a wide range of Linux commands and applications on their Android devices. The command line interface (CLI) in Termux is an essential tool for managing your Android device, as well as for developing and running software

Some common command line 


List directory contents The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory. By default, ls will list the contents of the current directory. You can also use ls with a directory path to list the contents of a specific directory. –


Change directory The cd command is used to change the current working directory. For example, to change to the “Downloads” directory, you would type cd ~/Downloads. –


Create a new directory The mkdir command is used to create a new directory. For example, to create a new directory called “myfolder”, you would type mkdir myfolder. –


Remove files or directories The rm command is used to remove files or directories. For example, to remove a file called “myfile.txt”, you would type rm myfile.txt. To remove a directory called “myfolder”, you would type rm -r myfolder. –


Copy files or directories The cp command is used to copy files or directories. For example, to copy a file called “myfile.txt” to a new file called “mynewfile.txt”, you would type cp myfile.txt mynewfile.txt. To copy a directory called “myfolder” to a new directory called “mynewfolder”, you would type cp -r myfolder mynewfolder. –


Move files or directories The mv command is used to move files or directories. For example, to move a file called “myfile.txt” to a new directory called “myfolder”, you would type mv myfile.txt myfolder. To rename a file called “myfile.txt” to “mynewfile.txt”, you would type mv myfile.txt mynewfile.txt. –


Output the contents of a file The cat command is used to output the contents of a file to the terminal. For example, to output the contents of a file called “myfile.txt”, you would type cat myfile.txt. –


Search for a pattern in a file The grep command is used to search for a pattern in a file. For example, to search for the word “hello” in a file called “myfile.txt”, you would type grep hello myfile.txt. –


Download a file from the internet The wget command is used to download files from the internet. For example, to download a file called “myfile.zip” from a website, you would type wget https://www.example.com/myfile.zip. –


Transfer data from or to a server The curl command is used to transfer data to or from a server. For example, to download a file called “myfile.zip” from a website, you would type curl -o myfile.zip https://www.example.com/myfile.zip. –


Create or extract compressed archive files The tar command is used to create or extract compressed archive files. For example, to create a new tar archive called “myarchive.tar” from a directory called “myfolder”, you would type tar -cvf myarchive.tar myfolder. To extract a tar archive called “myarchive.tar”, you would type tar -xvf myarchive.tar. –


Compress or extract files using the ZIP format The zip command is used to compress files or directories into a ZIP archive. For example, to create a new ZIP archive called “myarchive.zip” from a directory called “myfolder”, you would type zip -r myarchive.zip myfolder. To extract a ZIP archive called “myarchive.zip”, you would type unzip myarchive.zip. –


Test network connectivity between two hosts The ping command is used to test network connectivity between two hosts. For example, to test the connectivity between your device and an IP address, you would type ping . –


Display network interface configurations The ifconfig command is used to display network interface configurations. For example, to display the network configuration of your device, you would type ifconfig. –


Run a command as a superuser The sudo command is used to run a command as a superuser. For example, to run the apt update command as a superuser, you would type sudo apt update. –


Switch to the superuser account 

Download Termux Command Line Pdf



In this article , i how some important basics command that can be used for running termux likea pro using Termux Command Line Pdf
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