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[Fixed] Failed To Connect To Raw.GithubUserContent.com Termux | Linux

Failed To Connect To Raw.GithubUserContent.com

It’s a common error occur recently in all the device’s mostly in India but can be fixed vary easily just follow the steps carefully and create a forum or comment for further help

What is Termux ? 

Termux is an Android terminal emulator which is based on linux environment.You can perform many attacks ( ex – openport attack , ddos , mitmf , sql injection , etc )Termux support both rooted and unrooted devices. You can use termux as a root to perform extra attacks which requires root access.


Open the app , you will see graphical interface Click on install packages , it will download some basic packages ( make sure you are connected with internet )Now you can use termux . Before using it ( make sure you are connected with internet )

What can you do with termux  ?

  1. Run Linux Commands: You can execute a variety of Linux commands directly within the Termux terminal, such as file manipulation, text editing, process management, and more.
  2. Programming and Development: Termux provides support for programming and development tasks. You can use it for coding in languages like Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and others. Additionally, you can install development tools and compilers for software development.
  3. Package Management: Termux includes its own package manager called pkg, which allows you to install, update, and remove software packages. You can install a wide range of command-line tools, utilities, and applications using this package manager.
  4. SSH and Remote Access: You can use Termux to SSH into remote servers and manage them directly from your Android device. This is particularly useful for system administration tasks and remote development.

How To Fix Failed To Connect To Raw.GithubUserContent.com

  • Check Internet Connectivity: Ensure that your device has an active internet connection. You can try accessing other websites or services to verify connectivity.
  • Ping Test: Open a terminal in Termux and try pinging raw.githubusercontent.com to see if you’re able to reach the server :
ping raw.githubusercontent.com
  • Check DNS Resolution: Make sure DNS resolution is working correctly. You can use the nslookup command to check
nslookup raw.githubusercontent.com 

If the DNS lookup fails, you may need to troubleshoot your DNS settings or try using a different DNS server.

  • Firewall Settings: Ensure that your firewall settings are not blocking the connection to raw.githubusercontent.com. Check both your system firewall settings and any network-level firewalls.

The process can be used for any linux

We need to edit hosts file

  • cd

Now Go Back

  • cd ..

Go To Usr Directory

  • cd usr

Go To Etc Directory

  • cd etc

Now Edit Hosts File Using Nano

  • nano hosts [ pkg install nano ]

Now Add This Lines To The Host File

  • raw.githubusercontent.com

After That Copy Paste This One By One

git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy
git config --global https.proxy ""

Now You Are Done

Some Other Fixes

Try this if above method not work .

  • Open playstore
  • Search for Vpn / Dns changer
  • Download any one of them
  • Connect it and check again the error

Need to use whenever want to use termux for cloning files from raw.githubusercontent.com

Video Solution

For Termux

For Linux


If you’re encountering the “Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com” issue in Termux on your Linux system, it’s likely due to network connectivity problems, DNS issues, firewall restrictions, or other factors. To resolve the problem, you can try steps such as checking internet connectivity, performing ping tests, verifying DNS resolution, reviewing firewall settings, disabling VPNs or proxies, trying a different network, ensuring Termux permissions, restarting Termux, updating the Termux application, and using HTTPS instead of HTTP. If the issue persists after attempting these troubleshooting steps, further investigation or assistance may be necessary to diagnose and resolve the underlying problem.

Some QnA

Q : Why this error failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com showing? 

A: This error start showing recently and can be fixed by adding their ports in termux as follow in the post.

Q : Is we need to add this every time when we open termux?

A: No, Until you clear data of termux or reinstall termux.

Q: How can I troubleshoot the “Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com” error in Termux on Linux?

A: You can start by checking your internet connectivity, performing a ping test to raw.githubusercontent.com to see if the server is reachable, verifying DNS resolution, reviewing firewall settings to ensure the connection isn’t being blocked, trying a different network, and updating Termux to the latest version. If the issue persists, further investigation may be needed

Q : Why this website is best for Termux and Linux? 

A: This website is best because it’s fully based on Linux and termux or little bit for wordpress. You can create forum and ask anything and get different answers from different people all over world and also from our admins instantly.

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