How To Create Custom Wordlist In Android


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Create Custom Wordlist In Android

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How To Create Custom Wordlist In Android

Create Custom Wordlist In Android
Create Custom Wordlist In Android

Wordlist is a text document in which we have or create the list of password that are used worldwide or the continuous set of all words or numbers, we use those wordlists to crack passwords using dictionary attacks

Usage Of Wordlist

We can use wordlist for many purposes one of them is used to crack password or we can say guessing the millions of password by using various tools.

1.Dictionary attack :-

A dictionary attack uses a targeted technique of successively trying all the words in an exhaustive list called a dictionary (from a pre-arranged list of values).

2. Brute Force Attack :-

In contrast with a brute force attack, where a large proportion key space is searched systematically, a dictionary attack tries only those possibilities which are most likely to succeed, typically derived from a list of words for example a dictionary (hence the phrase dictionary attack).

3. Hybrid Attack :-

It works like a dictionary attack, but adds some numbers and symbols to the words from the dictionary and tries to crack the password.

4. Syllable Attack :-

It is the combination of both brute force attack and the the dictionary attack.

5. Rule-Based Attack :-

This attack is used when the attacker gets some information about the password.

In this post we will use Goblin word Generator tool to generate password list easily with various custom details.

Execute These below commands one by one to install this tool.

Create Custom Wordlist In Android

Installation is easy as making food

First we need to update the termux

apt update

Now upgrade all the packages by using this command

apt upgrade

Now install some basic packages required to run that tool

apt install git
apt install python
apt install python2

Clone the tool using git

git clone

Go to tool directory

cd GoblinWordGenerator

Give all permission to the script

chmod +x *

Usage of the tool

To run the tool

  • python

If You want to generate list that length 4 to 6 then type here :

  • 4:6 {hit enter}

Give name to your wordlist like, :

  • pass.txt {hit enter}

Select option which you want

  • {hit enter}

It will generate a pass.txt 

To open this file type this command :

  • cat pass.txt


In this article i show to create own wordlist for various purpose but to create a accurate wordlist you need some information as mentioned in the tool . you can also check another posts to create wordlist .


Q: What is a word list?

A: A word list is a collection of words, often organized alphabetically or thematically, that can be used for various purposes such as language learning, vocabulary building, word games, or data analysis.

Q: Why would someone want to create their own word list?

A: Creating your own word list allows you to customize the collection of words based on your specific needs and interests. It can be helpful for personal language development, educational purposes, or specialized project

Q: How should I organize my word list?

A: You can organize your word list alphabetically or based on specific categories within your chosen theme. You might also consider grouping words by their level of complexity or relevance to different contexts. How To Create Own Word List

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